HSE Policy


It is the Policy of PTS to take all possible steps to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all employees, other persons engaged in work for the organization, and any third parties who come into contact with the business, as well as prevent pollution of the environment.  PTS maintains full compliance with all applicable laws.

It is the duty of each employee to comply with the company safety policy and to co-operate with management to ensure that the work place remains as safe as possible.

If any person is in any doubt as to whether anything is safe or unsafe then they must assume that it is unsafe until further guidance has been given by their manager or by the HS&E Director.

The CEO of the company is fully committed to maintaining safe systems of work and fully recognizes their overall responsibility for safety in the work place.

PTS is fully committed to the continual improvement of this HSE Management System.  Any member of staff who does not comply with this safety policy or any other safety requirement will be liable to disciplinary action.


Robert Hoff
